What is RGB
RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue, which are the primary colors of light used in digital imaging and
displays. The RGB color model combines these three colors (Red, Green and Blue) at varying
to produce a broad
spectrum of colors. Each of the three color components (Red, Green, Blue) can have an intensity
which range from 0 to 255, where:
0 means no light of that color is emitted (black).
255 means the maximum intensity of that color.
For Instance:
- RGB(255, 0, 0) represents pure red.
- RGB(0, 255, 0) represents pure green.
- RGB(0, 0, 255) represents pure blue.
- RGB(0, 0, 0) represents pure Black.
- RGB(255, 255, 255) represents pure White.
What is HHWBWD?
HWB stands for Hue, Whiteness, and Blackness, a model designed to provide a more perceptually intuitive
approach to color representation:
- Hue: Represents the type of color (e.g., red, yellow, blue) as an angle on the
color wheel, ranging from 0 to 360 degrees.
- Whiteness: Indicates the amount of white mixed with the color, ranging from 0% (no
white) to 100% (pure white).
- Blackness: Specifies the amount of black or darkness in the color, ranging from 0%
(no black) to 100% (pure black).
For example, a pastel blue might be represented in HWB as (210°, 80%, 10%).
How to Convert RGB to HWB?
The conversion involves several steps:
- Normalize the RGB values by dividing each by 255.
- Calculate the maximum and minimum values among the normalized components.
- Determine Whiteness and Blackness:
- Whiteness = Minimum Value
- Blackness = 1 – Maximum Value
- Calculate Hue
- Based on the dominant RGB component, use formulas to determine the angle on the color wheel.
Combine the Hex Values:
Thus, the RGB color (255, 99, 71) converts to the Hex color code #FF6347.
Conversion Example
Let’s convert RGB (102, 205, 170) to HWB:
- Normalize RGB:
- Maximum = 0.8, Minimum = 0.4.
- Whiteness:
- Blackness:
- Hue:Since Green is the dominant component:
Result: HWB (160°, 40%, 20%)
Using Our RGB to HWB Converter Tool
Our online RGB to HSL Converter Tool simplifies the process with
an intuitive
interface. Here’s how to use it:
- Input RGB Values: Enter the Red, Green and
Blue values in their respective fields.
- Click Convert: Hit the Convert to HWB button.
- View HWB Output: Instantly see the corresponding HWB values in result section.
- Click on the copy icon to copy the HWB Code.